Friday, April 6, 2012

What's so GOOD about Good Friday?

Today is Good Friday. What happened on this day over 2,000 years ago shifted the world on it's axis. It changed the life of every single human being born after that.

Jesus, the only Holy, sin free person to ever walk this earth, was crucified, laid in a tomb for three days, and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Jesus birth, death and resurrection are the central themes in the Holy Bible. Jesus death was prophetised about centuries before in many books of the Bible. This is the reason he came to earth. This is the reason he was born. He knew exactly what was going to happen to him, and He was ready.

Jesus was with his disciples during Holy Week, trying to explain to them what was about to happen. In John 2:19 he address them with "Strike this temple down and I will raise it again in three days." And in John 12:23 when he says "It is time for the Son of Man to enter into His glory." John 12:27 says "Now my soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.” 

So, if Jesus suffered and died on Good Friday, why is it called " Good Friday" anyway? There are many explanations that have risen over the centuries. The word Good, is a derivation of an old English word that means Holy, thus it's called Holy Friday in many parts of the world. But the one that rings true with me is that it's Good Friday because the message of Easter and Jesus Resurrection is all about Jesus victory over sin, death and the devil, and that is ALL GOOD!

                                                                          Jesus is Known by His Scars
Jesus came to earth to die and be victorious over sin. Through his sacrificial death, blood atonement and then his Resurrection and our acceptance of that, we are finally reconciled back to God Almighty, the way it was before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. We can live forever with our Creator, the way he intended it to be all along!

                                                                       Jesus died for your sins and mine

Glory Hallejujah! Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice. Rejoice and Be Glad! Good Friday is about our Savior's incredible love. He took on the whole sins of the world so we could live with Him in Paradise! In three Days, we will Celebrate Easter Sunday and Jesus Resurrection, and THAT is what Jesus and his love are all about.

                                                           Jesus and the Cross are all about God's love
My verses for today are above in red.

My prayer for today:

Dear Heavenly Father:

Thank you for this Holy Week. Thank you for your Son and his tremendous sacrifice for our sins. What a unbelievable plan of Glory you set in motion those many, many years ago. Help us to tell the world about your love, your Son and his Resurrection. Help us to spread the Gospel of Jesus wherever we go.

In Jesus Name I pray,

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