Monday, April 20, 2015

Answering the call of God...

Have you ever felt like God is tapping you on the shoulder? Is he trying to get through to you, but you just don't want to listen or are having a hard time discerning His voice? Sometimes, I've found that the Lord can be very subtle or He can also be very blunt and bring you to your knees if He needs to,....your choice.

But, I think you have to be in tune to Him to hear what he's trying to say to you. So, how do you do that?

Picking up your bible would be a good first step. Get back into His Word. It's great to go to church and worship with fellow Christians, but just attending church on Sunday and listening to a 1 hour sermon often doesn't fulfill your needs if you are seeking a closer relationship with the Lord. I think you really have to delve into His Word through Bible Study either in church or a small group where you can learn and share what you've learned with like minded seekers.

If you feel that that still small voice is trying to get in touch with you....don't resist. Don't be afraid, God is just trying to pull you back unto himself. Sometimes He has to hit you over the head with a sledgehammer to get your attention. Don't wait until then! When you feel Him calling, answer on the first ring! You will never regret that decision.

The blessings that will come from a closer walk with Jesus are always significant and often life changing. God's peace will fall on you like a soft warm blanket. The little things that used to drive you crazy seem to fall away because your focus is on Him and His Word and not on what's happening in this world. The peace of God will surround you just like it says in Philippians 4:7 " And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." 

If you listen to the daily newscasts, you can easily be overwhelmed and think that the world is falling apart. It is from a human point of view. But, as Christians, we know that God is in control of everything and everyone. His purposes will always be triumphant. That is the thing to keep in mind when you begin to get stressed out by the way things are going. God will win and we will win with him as his followers. Remember Romans 8:28 " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose."

If you feel God knocking on the door of your heart, open it! What have you got to lose?

My verses for today are above in red

My prayer for today:

Lord Jesus,

Be with me Lord. Help me to discern your still small voice when it is calling. Help me to reach out to others so they can hear it too. Teach me Lord and use me to spread your Word to others. Here I am Lord, use me!

In Jesus Name,

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